10:52 AM

Lotus 123 vs Maxiplan

I remember when, back in the early 1990s during school, we used LOTUS 1-2-3 on IBM: it ran under DOS, with no mouse, no colors, basically bare-bones, and it cost 700,000 of italian money "lire"! The teachers and some classmates boasted about it, due to its high cost, thinking that cost means "Professional". At the same time, Amiga already had MAXIPLAN, an electronic spreadsheet that anticipated the capabilities of Microsoft Excel on Windows by several years, with stunning graphics, lightning-fast processing speed, colors, menus, and full support for the graphical interface with the mouse. And it cost perhaps a third of Lotus. Oh, do you know that Maxiplan was also compatible with Lotus 123 file format too?. Amiga was always ahead of everyone else..

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