20:15 PM

New changes to Gardening timer

I discovered an useful Arduino libray: SoftwareSerial. What is this library for? This library simply emulates a serial port.

I needed to increase the IO ports of my timer, so I wanted to add 2 more relays. As I don't have an arduino MEGA, and I don't have more output ports to use for new relays and powering, I opted for a new solution: integrate the entire thing with another controller, in this case I put inside also an Arduino NANO board.

So, by emulating a serial communication between the two boards, I am sending from the Arduino UNO to the NANO a simple message to open the two new relays. And still, on the NANO board I have a lot of pins to attach new devices! Maybe I will attach a third relay to this board.

Now I have the main relay connected to the UNO board, and two new relays connected to NANO, so I can pilot 3 water pumps! Now, provvisory, as I am performing new tests, I deployed the relays over the box with tape, but my final design is to include them into another small box.

To pilot the pumps, I will connect everything to 3x12V batteries. The main timer works with the 20KA powebank.

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