Another IoT project in devedlopment. The automatic Garden watering system, with water sensor and small LCD. I will give you news soon (I am lazy last time XD).
Updates about my Ethilometer.
Softare is ready, I changed the formula to retrieve real g/l values. I want to thank an Italian man: Pietro Pennestri, who realised a great thesis about the Ethilometer made with Arduno.
The document here: MQ3 Ethilomether guide
I took from him this method to r...
Updates about my Ethilometer.
Softare is ready, the only inconvenience is the MQ3 sensor: 1: needs at least 5 minutes pre-heating phase to be more accurate 2: is not the best sensor: it's ok for educational purpose.
Anyway the concept works, but maybe I will improve it by buying a special better...
New pictures added in the IoT electronics and Programming Sections. Hope you like them. I will update the section regularly when I will do something new.