21:41 PM

Austriach Retro LCD Gaming - A sensational story

Do you remember the famous lcd games that were in the 80's? Yep! This is similar, is made with the same concept, but it's recent: it is from 2022!

This small, lightweight plastic gaming machine, incorporates 99 games! Still I didn't try all of them, but many of them are clones from Galaga, Tetris, Tank Wars and so on. Now, the story about how I entered in posses of this "retro" stuff...

This is exactly this amazing item (later I explain why this item is so amazing):


I was coming back with my wife from Italy. I was driving from Italy to Poland, we were going back home from our winter holidays. We were crossing Austria, and after a long trip, we stopped to eat something in one of the many "Old Timer" disseminated hotel/restaurants in Austria, and after a small lunch and payment, we went trhu the exit "souvenir" hallway, a mandatory path to the real exit. In this hallway, there are a lot of items to buy as souvenirs, but also cold drinks, some other stuff and magazines. One of those magazines was including this LCD game, and for only 13 euros, I thought: "Ok, I like those stuff, It's mine! I want it". I was attracted also by it's gorgeous colours and the amazing shape like a PSP or PSVita. Then I bought that magazine, even if I knew from the beginning that I would't read it, because I was not interested and I don't understand German language :)

We exited the restaurant, and I put the game inside the bagage of our car. After all, I was happy about my purchase (my wife was laughing too), but I was not giving this item too many importance.

Finally we reached our home in Poland, tired as hell, we decided to unload the car after taking a good rest (15 hours of driving is stressfull). Later we unloaded the car, forgetting about this LCD game inside it.

Today, finally I decided to bring it home and try it :) This is the blister, before the unboxing:


Obviously, I was not reading the istructions at all, as they are in German:


The mini lcd game was sold without batteries, so I removed temporarily (XD) them from the TV's remote control :) and put them inside. This stuff needs 2xAAA:


Then, after turning it on, I realized that this mini lcd game, contains 99 games! Yes! 99, and all in this amazing handheld. So I started playing some of them. Finally, something funny to play in the toilet instead of watching stupid contents on social media :)

I love it, it's colourfull, and maybe will be a rarity into the future, as per the fact that was an annex sold with a magazine for kids :)

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